The Heroic Legend Of Arislan Fan Fiction Story by Donna Lee This is my first Heroic Legend Of Arislan fan fiction. One warm summer day this girl Kariko watches the enemy kill her parents since they were good friends of Prince Arislan's family. The enemy lets her go unharmed since she is only a girl. Kariko goes,and looks for Prince Arislan since she is now an orphan with no other place to go. It takes her 2 days to find Prince Arislan. When Kariko finds him she tells him who she is,and what happened,and that she is now an orphan. Prince Arislan says," That is awful that the enemy killed your parents because they were good friends of my parents. You can travel with us since you have no where else to go. I have to tell you that we are in a war right now,and that everybody with me is going to go fight the enemy as soldiers. You are to young to fight with us though. But it will be dangerous. Just wanted you to understand how dangerous this is because of the war going on. After the war is over you will be more than welcome to live in the palace with me. Hopefully the war won't last much longer." Kariko says,"That's nice that you will let me do that when the war is over. It is a shame that my parents had to be killed just because of this war though. It was awful watching them being killed like that. I even thought that they were going to kill me as well. I was glad when they just let me go." Soon after she finds Prince Arislan,and they have that conversation they leave the area they are in,and continue on there way. When they reach their destination the fight with the Lusitanians,and the prince who is Prince Arislan's cousin who used to be the prince before Prince Arislan's father King Andragoras started ruling the area, and win this fight but the battle is far from over. When this fight is over they start on their way to the castle where the lusitanians are at. On their way they come across the guy don't remember his name